

Bangla Font

Guest Book






Bangla Font

Font Name

Bangla 21 February (TTF)


39 KB (Full Size) / 24.4 KB in zip format


Click the Bangla Font (zip file) text for Down load, or you can click here
Bangla Font (TTF File)

NB: You must use a program like WinZip to expand the zipped file after it has been downloaded.

How to paste the  font in your font folder: After unzip, copy it & Go to My Computer>Control panel>Fonts and simply paste it. close all open window & Open your Word processor like MS Word or other application If it is successfully install in your computer you must see it in your Word Processor Font menu.

Key Board Layout (zip file)


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Please Leave a Comments about the Font :



Bangla Font is free to use, although donations to further development of the site & help cover the time and expenses of running this site are appreciated.


Account Information :


Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited

Acc: Nazrul Islam

Acc # 10810124654

Shantinagar Branch 

Font Installation Manual in Bangla